6970095923 Rodopis 54, Vrilisia, Attica contact@ioannapiliati.gr
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Piliati Ioanna - Psychologist,
Trained Family Therapist

Systemic Perspective

My diverse educational and professional experiences, combined with a systemic approach, are enriching factors that enhance the psychotherapy process. Having worked in various fields with different roles, my experience focuses on providing psychotherapeutic support on individual, family, and group levels, as well as counseling services.

The systemic approach I use addresses human problems in a novel way, viewing behavior as a result of relationships and interactions. Instead of a linear perception, I focus on a circular perspective where reciprocity and interaction play a central role. Therefore, problems are no longer interpreted as simple causes but as interactions on multiple levels.



The systemic perspective refers to a framework of thinking and approach that focuses on understanding phenomena within the context of a system. In the field of psychotherapy, the systemic perspective addresses problems and behavior of individuals as a result of interactions with their environment and other members of the system, whether it be families, groups, professional environments, etc.